Navigation within Wootton Creek.
Note: Anchoring anywhere within the creek is forbidden
Wootton Creek dries out completely at Low Water Springs. However with sufficient tidal height even relatively deep draft vessels can, with care, navigate to within 100 m of Wootton Bridge. (turning around is a little tight)
The following heights correspond with Portsmouth tidal data. Real time information can be found at "Bramblemet" although averaging with "Chimet" is usually more accurate. The Tide gauges on the entrance Piles read some 0.2 m lower.
Typically the Creek consists of a deep "U" shaped Channel with the deepest water being only some 10 meters in width. The exact position changes over the length of the Creek and in many places is a long way from the centre of the average 150 m width at HW. The deepest water is about 0.5 m above Chart Datum near the entrance shallowing to 1.5 m above CD near the top of the Creek.
Either side of the fairway the banks rise steeply to mud flats which are typically 2.2 m above chart datum adjacent to the channel and 3.7m above CD at the Creek edge.
Except on days when HW Portsmouth is less than 3.9 m or there are meteorological effects, the tidal height can be expected to be about 3.0 m between 2½ hours before HW Portsmouth and 3 Hours after. Thus a 1.5 m draft vessel could, with extreme caution, navigate up the Creek between these times. However to prevent stranding, damage to the drive unit from submerged chains, or the disturbance of an SSSI, even small dinghies with outboard motors need to keep within or close to the channel at this time.
The King's Harbour Master Portsmouth requires a 15 m width to be kept clear for navigation. The best way to find this Fairway is to study the video on this site and compare this with the moorings, most of which lie just to the starboard side of the Fairway when inbound.
There is very limited space for larger vessels to stop. Anchoring in the channel is banned and is problematic on the mud flats due to extensive and sometimes unmarked ground tackle and cables. However with a tide height above 2.2 m dinghies can temporarily tie up adjacent to the public slipway at the head of the Creek, giving access to the shops, or with tidal height above 3.7 m, alongside the Sloop Inn for a meal or quick drink, always remembering that the ebb will not wait if you want "just one more drink."
WCFA accepts no responsibility for inaccurate data
Last updated 14:20 on 9 February 2025